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A Message from the
Music Director,
Adam Luebke


When I first heard the piece Alzheimer's Stories I couldn't help but be profoundly moved. I was glued to my seat, completely transfixed; at one point I looked around me and saw folks weeping. In that moment I was struck how the music and text took the audience on a journey- from the discovery of the disease and through the unraveling of the mind, as well as personal relationships, it causes. The music conveys true confusion and pain. But it is at the end when the work turns. The writers of the piece, Robert Cohen and Herschel Garfein, bring the focus away from pain to peace.

The last movement is a tribute of compassion and comfort to caregivers- offering support and assurance. The piece does what all great music does: uncover raw universal human emotions and lead performers and listeners on a transformative journey to better understand themselves.



“We are overjoyed to be presenting these magnificent and meaningful works in such a beautiful space. Additionally we are grateful to be partnering with WNY Alzheimer’s Association on this concert to share the stories of not only the patients, but the caregivers who lovingly care for those suffering from Alzheimer’s and Dementia.”

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